Thursday, August 12, 2010

2nd day puasa is the day....dD xp kolah hari ni dD xsemangat langsung nak p kolah...gara2 dD xda is my Own problem....wawawawa..........btw...i TURN back with my LOVE...S T A N S F I E L D.... if korang x caya ..korang leh tengok sendiri status dD at fb

Engaged to Chipsmore Stansfield

N status Stans lak 
Engaged to Mardya Omar

so both of we have been taken..... : ) NO COMMENT.................what would happen After diz...Biar ALLAH tentukan................
Ego Mike & Ego Stans
Ego Mike....Modenas&Ego my LOVE...
  no.............dD pun nak Ego gak...dD jeles tngok dia orang semua dah guna want 2 buy it also...Wait n C...



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